Oh God Trump
WELL - Trumps elected don't like the thought of that but hey ho American people have spoken so be it - the saying goes you've made your bed now sleep in it - on other news : I'm still working on my music and working shifts full time , wish I could retire soon anyhow I got nothing to grumble about really only my health, but that's what age does to you
See you all soon x
So at last there is a General Election to be held on 4th of July I will be up all night throughout the 5th watching the results coming in being delighted to see many many Tory MPs crying as they loose their seats one by one - in all my life I've never seen such a destructive, corrupt, lying & incompetent bunch of hopeless tossers pretending to run a country !
This country has been run into the ground by millionaires sucking the life blood out of the citizens
Jack & Ellie
Well !!
It seems that my son Jack and my daughter Ellie now both adults still want nothing to do with me - you know continued mis-information by a disgruntled mother and defamation of their Dad (me) over their youth and teenage years is a terrible terrible thing to do to a fellow human being
Well its been a while since my last update - am currently working on my 7th song for my next album - all going well so far - as for our poor country and the 2 recent clowns in charge of it with now a possibility of one of the useless embarrassing twats coming back into power Ye - Gods
Ive always been a socialist and voted Labour, my heart is always with the worker I detest this Conservative Party and every bit of damage they have inflicted on the Uk in the last almost 13 years - I lived through the Thatcher government years and she set the bar of slow decline on working people and paved the way for the rich to get richer and to suppress the working class.
This Lot Make Me So Angry !!
Nail On Head
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